Thursday, September 20, 2018


8 wooden sticks
8 medium apples
1 pkg (14-oz) caramels
2 tbsp water
1/2 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips
narrow licorice strings

Wash and dry apples. Push a wooden stick into the stem end of each apple; set aside.

In a large (4-cup) glass measuring cup combine the caramels and the water. Microwave, uncovered, on high for 2 minutes. Stir with a rubber spatula and cook on high another 30 to 60 seconds or more until caramels are completely melted. Stir until smooth.

Put the mini chocolate chips on waxed paper; set aside. Dip each apple into the caramel mixture using a spoon to spread the caramel evenly over each apple. Hold the apple over the caramel while doing this so the excess caramel can drip into the cup. Dip the bottom of the apples into the chocolate chips for hair. Use the gumdrops for eyes, noses, etc. The lifesavers make great ears and/or mouths. Narrow red licorice strings make good mouths, black make a good handlebar mustache.

Note: Candy corn could also be used for eyes, nose, jack-l-lantern mouths, especially for Halloween parties. Chopped nuts would also make good hair. For grandma and grandpa, white chocolate chips could be used for grey hair. Butterscotch chips could be used for blond hair. Use your imagination and have fun.

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